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Please Note: 32oz is sold in case lots of six (6) only  and 16oz is sold in case lots of  twelve (12) only

VITRATOX #16 Detoxificant is a natural and powerful detoxificant derived from bentonite, a mineral-rich volcanic clay.* We use a special process to refine the raw bentonite clay to remove mica, dirt and other impurities, in order to concentrate the active detoxifying ingredient, Bentonite.* This procedure places Bentonite into a colloidal suspension and retains its innate negative charge. These properties allow the powerful adsorption (physical binding) of positively charged substances.* (Most metabolic, environmental, and chemical wastes are positively charged.) Bentonite possesses the ability to adsorb about 40 times its own weight in positively charged substances present in the alimentary canal.* Because Bentonite has such strong adsorptive properties and is not digested, it tightly binds toxic material to be excreted.*

To order this product, contact your local VITRATOX Distributor, or contact us to find a Distributor near you: Call 1-800-544-8147 or 1-816-221-3719 or email: [email protected]


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VIT-RA-TOX #16 Detoxificant is a natural and powerful detoxificant derived from bentonite, a mineral-rich volcanic clay.* We use a special process to refine the raw bentonite clay to remove mica, dirt and other impurities, in order to concentrate the active detoxifying ingredient, Bentonite.* This procedure places Bentonie into a colloidal suspension and retains its innate negative charge. These properties allow the powerful adsorption (physical binding) of positively charged substances.* (Most metabolic, environmental, and chemical wastes are positively charged.) Bentonite possesses the ability to adsorb about 40 times its own weight in positively charged substances present in the alimentary canal.* Because Bentonie has such strong adsorptive properties and is not digested, it tightly binds toxic material to be excreted.*

What is Bentonite?

Bentonite is a natural clay mineral formed in the extreme heat and pressure of a volcano. In ages past, it was blown into the sky by volcanic action, and sifted down to earth to help impregnate the soil with its 25 – 35 trace minerals. Sometimes it accumulates in layers or veins from which it is presently mined. Although bentonite contains a rich amount of minerals, there is no evidence that we can absorb any of its mineral content. Anyone who tries to sell the product on the basis of the minerals in it is only guessing.

Many products on the market use bentonite in a raw and unprocessed form. However, our bentonite is different. In making our #16 Detoxificant we start with the highest quality bentonite (U.S.P. Grade) and mix it with purified demineralized water. During our exclusive and secret process, the mica and impurities are removed, and the purified Bentonite is put into a liquid colloidal-gel state. The product is sterilized and subjected to independent laboratory analysis for heavy metals and microbiology, ensuring a substance suitable for internal use and detoxification. It works better simply because it is better.

Bentonite should never be packaged in plastic. Because of its extreme drawing properties, bentonite can leach petrochemicals from plastic bottles. That is why VITRATOX only packages #16 Detoxificant in inert glass bottles.

The Expert’s Opinion

Dr. Robert T. Martin is a mineralogist and one of America´s outstanding authorities on bentonite. According to his research, its action is due to five characteristics:

  1. It has a large and varied mineral content.
  2. It has a negative electrical attraction for positively charged particles. In the human body, various toxic poisons are positively charged.
  3. Seen under a high power microscope, bentonite is composed of extremely minute rectangular particles in the shape of a credit card. The wide surfaces are negatively charged and the edges are positively charged. Therefore, its adsorptive power is many thousand times more negative than positive.
  4. The very minuteness of its particles gives it a large surface area in proportion to the volume used, enabling it to pick up many times its own weight in positively charged particles.
  5. To obtain maximum effectiveness in the human body, it should be put in a liquid colloidal-gel state. This is why we do not keep it as a powder or put it into a tablet form.

Dr. Martin stated that one gram (1/28 ounce) of our product has a surface area of 800 sq. meters. This is 40 times that of its commercial competitors. The larger the surface area, the greater its power to pick up positively charged particles (toxins). An edition of the Dispensatory of the United States of America states:

“In aqueous suspension, the individual particles of bentonite are negatively charged, this resulting in a strong attraction for positively charged particles and being responsible for the ability of bentonite to clarify such liquid as contain positively charged particles of suspended matter.”

Since bentonite has such strong adsorptive powers, its consumption could theoretically render unavailable some nutrients, as certain vitamins, by adsorbing them from the alimentary canal. However, independent experiments designed to find out how much such adsorption might adversely affect the growth and health of experimental animals indicated no ill effects when the intake of bentonite was 25% of the total diet. (Reference: Annals of the N.Y. Academy of Science, Vol. 57, page 678). Our product is mostly water, with only a small proportion of bentonite. In order for the bentonite in our product to reach a toxic level (i.e., 50% of the total diet) it would be necessary to consume a 3-year supply each day for an extended period of time.

Bentonite is classified as a hydrated aluminum silicate. But, it is very different from the aluminum used in cooking utensils, deodorants, and other preparations. The aluminum molecule is integral to the structure of Bentonite, and cannot be removed by normal digestive processes.

A perfect accompaniment to #16 Detoxificant is our #19 Intestinal Cleanser. Mixed together in juice, this ‘Cleansing Combo’ offers the scrubbing and roughage benefits from soluble and insoluble fiber from psyllium and the detoxification properties of bentonite.

This product is a key component included in our #59 7-Day Cleansing kit.

Recommended Dosage: Adults, take 1 tablespoon

Directions: Adults, add 1 tablespoon to 8 ounces of water then consume it once a day.  May be taken for a duration as long as required to support the kidneys in detoxifying the body.* It can also be taken in conjunction with the #19 Intestinal Cleanser in juice or water.   

· Wait at least 30 minutes before consuming any other food or drink (except juice or water).

· Wait at least 1.5 hours before consuming medications or vitamin supplements.

Our DETOXIFICANT product is offered only as a nutritional adjunct insofar as it has a cleansing action, and not for any disease, ailment or other specific condition of ill-health. Nothing stated above shall be construed as a claim or representation that such product constitutes a cure, palliative or ameliorative for any such disease, ailment or condition.

VIT-RA-TOX #16 Detoxificant is liquid packaged in one-quart, recyclable amber glass bottle that ensures potency and freshness.

WARNING: Not intended for and should not be taken by: (1) children, or (2) women of childbearing age.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.